My last post was on 12/16/14. Since then I have experienced
2 Sub Chorionic Hemorrhages. I was placed on bed rest following them both. Unfortunately
bed rest was not enough to keep my babies heart rate going. On 1/9/15 I had a
visit with Dr. Eller who planned to do a cerclage on 12/30/15 and on 1/18/15 which didn’t
happen because of the hemorrhage. At my visit on the 9th I was
informed baby was doing fine and heart rate was at 170. Over the weekend I started
to have a lot of discharge and feeling sick. On 1/12/15 I advised my OB to take
a culture to see if I had an infection. He also fit me in for a U/S which
showed there was no fetal heart rate activity and no movement. The following
day I had a DNC. On 2/5/15 the day before my birthday I received all call from
my OB office to inform me the pathology test had come back and the chromosomes
of our baby we’re normal. At this point I’m very concerned and want to give
completely up. Now we are confused and unsure of what’s the problem. I made it
to 11 weeks with this pregnancy and wondering how I became so close to 15 weeks
and making it beyond with the help of Dr. Eller. I have a follow up visit on
2/11/15 I’m hoping we can come up with a plan for the future. I want nothing
more in this world than the joy of waking up to my angels face.
I'm so sorry. God is with you.
this makes me so sad. i can relate. I've lost two within the past year. I can't even imagine what y'all are going through. prayers and blessings your way <3<3
Why don't you make a prayer Facebook page. So people from all over the world can pray for you when you get pregnant. We can all fast(obstain from food) and pray when you get pregnant and ask the lord for your next pregnancy. My pastor had a lots of people pray for her when she got pregnant people fast and pray for her. She had 3 loses when was able to have 3 kids. If you do this group for people to pray for you let me know I will tell people from church and prayer warriors to join.
Don't lose faith Hun.
Have you tried P17 shots also known as Makena when I was pregnant with my TAC, I believe it helped me not go into preterm labor. It's a shot you get once a week in your rear end. YOU can get it from a compounding pharmacy with an ObGyn script.
Dear one, my heart truly goes out to you. I found this site while researching for info on TAC after my own PPROM loss at 19 weeks. I truly pray for your mind, body, and soul along this journey. I am a believer as well and believe that God's purpose will prevail in each of our lives. I don't have many words to offer other than you are not alone. I greatly admire your faith and courage, and just know that we stand with you.
First i would like to say how sorry i am for your loss. So far i have lost 3 babys at 21 weeks due to IC. Im now wanting a TAC. My question is how long after your TAC was placed did you know that it was not going to work? I had mc donald cerclage placed with my last pregnancy and went into labor within hours of it being placed so i was woundering if it was the same for the TAC
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